Sunday, September 4, 2016


      Samantha jogged her self back to the present, she was taking too much time getting ready for work, she felt like not going but had used up all her possible excuses, she was out of the shower in seconds, the warm water had renewed her vigour for the day, she strolled to wardrobe opened it and was trying to pick out an out fit, her mind began to run away again, that strange call, at that odd time from an unknown number, how unusual it was. She wondered if the call was from Dennis or maybe her brother, she picked up her phone and dialed Dennis mobile number, it was switched off that was strange she frowned  his mobile phone was always reachable she wondered where he could be that his phone was out of reach. 

She thought about calling her brother, just as she scrolled to his name she decided against it, her brother would blow it out of proportion,  he would trace the phone call, harass the network get the location,just to get who made the call,  he was that imposing,  that's what you get when you have a paranoid cop brother..he always went too far


         We took cover,trying to gradually approach the entrance of the bank, i was able to get beside derrick and i asked what exactly did you see, he looked over to where i was crouched behind a pillar, he smiled sheepishly and said, i saw someone in the widow at the far end of the building, and person seemed wounded as his face was covered in blood , i looked towards the window he was referring to, there was no movement,  i had known derrick for some years now and he was not one to take us on a wild goose chase.Roland motioned to Ben to approach the entrance, we all braced up for the worst, and then hell broke lose, we had been so engrossed with checking out the bank premises we had failed to assign a look out to secure our rear, it was a fatal error.
         We didn't know where it came from exactly all we knew was that we had been ambushed, the sound of the machine gun fire was deafening,  we all hit the floor trying to escape the onslaught, i could see bullets flying in every direction shattered glass all around us, the attack seemed to last forever , i crawled up behind a pillar trying to pick a target to return fire,after a few minutes it was all quiet again, i guess they were reloading  we just had seconds to compose ourselves, i looked over to where Ben had been crouching and saw his lifeless body sprawled on the floor, i called out, twice but there wasn't a response, my heart sank, this night was turning to a nightmare, i looked over to where Roland was and could see him crawling for better cover, there was a trail of blood all along his crawl path, he seemed to have been hit severally and was losing so much blood, he needed medical attention and fast,it was up to me and derrick,  i could see he wasn't hit just shaken up, it wasn't every day you experience a blood bath gun battle and losing two  of your patrol buddies in seconds.

     I signaled derrick to call for back up from his walkie talkie,as we couldn't risk getting to the squad car which was ridden with bullet , i threw away my pump action shot gun and reached for the rifle Ben had been carrying i needed something with a lot of kick and stopping power it was a customized M60 rifle,