Saturday, August 27, 2016


  The silence of the night was shattered by the nerve racking sound of the AK47 assault rifle spitting out lead rounds at the rate of 500 rounds per second,sending metals flying in the air at unbelievable speeds, the previously dark night was transformed in seconds to night of fire works, the moment he opened fire, it was a war zone, the recoil of the gun jolted him as he guided the rifle towards the already startled policemen he watched as the bullets caught them in their strides as they reached for cover, he watched a cop begin to run as he trained the nozzle on him and he watched as the bullet hit him in the gut the chest and his arm and he fell to the ground, he exhausted a clip and pulled it out threw it away while simultaneously slamming a fresh clip into the rifle and re-corked the rifle automatically pushing a round into the chamber
He took cover and tried to assess the damage he had inflicted, he could see a cop motionless on the ground another was crawling for cover, the second cop had been hit severally and he was bleeding  profusely, that left two cops left to eliminate


    As he got out of the car ,his fingers tightened around the trigger box,  he ran towards the policemen who had now set up an attack formation as though ready to storm the building, he positioned himself beside a parked car trying to align himself to the best line of sight behind the 4 cops, the rain was still pouring and the sound was like a continuous roar, this masked his footsteps as he got into position,  he took another look at the policemen and though of the consequences of what he was about to begin. 

He scouted the policemen one last time trying to access how armed the were, he could make out two of the cops had powerful sub machine gun rifles, one had a high calibre  pump action shot gun while the last cop had a 9mm side arm, we weighed his chances,  trying to calculate the odds of winning a fire fight with this bunch, he had a vantage position but knew they had experience body armour and years of training, not to talk of back up from the station the moment the shit hit the fan, he glanced at his already cocked Ak47 rifle and the 5 extra clips in his combat fatigue