Saturday, August 27, 2016


    As he got out of the car ,his fingers tightened around the trigger box,  he ran towards the policemen who had now set up an attack formation as though ready to storm the building, he positioned himself beside a parked car trying to align himself to the best line of sight behind the 4 cops, the rain was still pouring and the sound was like a continuous roar, this masked his footsteps as he got into position,  he took another look at the policemen and though of the consequences of what he was about to begin. 

He scouted the policemen one last time trying to access how armed the were, he could make out two of the cops had powerful sub machine gun rifles, one had a high calibre  pump action shot gun while the last cop had a 9mm side arm, we weighed his chances,  trying to calculate the odds of winning a fire fight with this bunch, he had a vantage position but knew they had experience body armour and years of training, not to talk of back up from the station the moment the shit hit the fan, he glanced at his already cocked Ak47 rifle and the 5 extra clips in his combat fatigue
, he wasn't wearing any body amour, if he got hit that was it, there was no calling back up, his chances weren't  looking good at all.

  He closed his eyes, and tried to recall the Chain of events that led him to where he was right now,too bad how thing's had shaped out.he recalled his time on tour in the marines in Vietnam, where he had been out numbered many times but still ended up tops, this was different urban warfare tactic rather than jungle tactics was what he needed most, he knew he could easily end up killed this morning,  he didn't want to die without talking to her, if she got to find out after he was dead it wouldn't go down well with her, she would be emotionally broken, he
couldn't put her in that position,or leave her like that,  she deserved better she had just come out of her shell and the out come of this would devastate her and lock the doors emotionally for her.
   He though of how the media would twist the story and paint a very sinister picture of what went down. He didn't like this, he though how he could explain to her be himself, and suddenly he just smiled it hit him he had been given an untraceable phone by,  to use only in an emergency,  he quickly took his hands off the trigger and searched his pockets for the phone, he felt like punching himself in the face, how could he have forgotten about the burn out phone, he fingers felt and quickly grabbed it from his pockets ,he ought to have warned the crew long ago, but now he would call her first as he knew as soon as he warned the crew all hell would break lose.

  He fiddled with the phone , trying to  input her phone number at the same time watching for any sudden movement from the cops, they were still unaware of his presence which was a good thing.he glanced at the phone screen as he made the call, the time was 5.30am she should be up by now, she was an early riser, the line rang out from the other end ,it rang again still no one picked, he looked quizzed,  confirmed that the number was correctly input and then dialed again, it rang a 3rd time, and then decided to cut the line, he needed to focus on the now and how he was going to get out of this mess alive. He was about to dial the boss number  when one of the cops approached the bank entrance,  he quickly threw the phone into his pocket stood up, he took aim and squeezed the trigger.

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