He ran and ran and ran ,his lungs were in pains his muscles were killing him, he couldn't stop, he kept running, his feet were begging him for a break, his heart was pounding in his ribcage and resounding in his ear drums, his sides ached, he had reached his limit but he had to go faster and faster , it was very dark and he was focused on the pavement in order not to loss his footing that would be disastrous for him,
he pushed on and headed for the light at the end of the road , he guessed the time would be around 1am,there was not a soul in the streets, he needed help but he kept pushing his legs on, he attempted to look over his shoulders but couldn't he didn't want to be distracted or lose momentum, but his lungs didn't agree, he had no choice they felt like if he took another step they would explode. He stopped and fell on his knees trying to salvage any breath he could get