Sunday, August 14, 2016


      Greg and Thomson  walked into the the locker room, both talking to each other and laughing at a shared joke, they gave a gentle acknowledgement nod to say good morning to those of us already there changing, i gave  a crooked smile as though to say, you guys made it, everyone burst out laughing, knowing they were both perpetual late comers, i glanced at my wrist watch it was 6am, the daily squad meeting had been scheduled for 6.15am since the new sheriff Gibson assumed office, even the laggvers were already sitting up probably they were tired of frequent community service bagged for every act of indiscipline

  Sheriff Gibson was a no nonsense hardcore  military veteran, as hard as nails and always made sure we knew it. He had been transferred for the neighbouring zone where he pushed the crime rate from 95% to less than 5%. He had given the whole crew hell and always put the members of his team on their toes, he had fixed a daily  meeting for all officers for 6.15am as a way of enforcing punctuality,it's been 2months since i resumed here and the crime rate is still above 10% and this is totally unacceptable,