Sunday, August 14, 2016


      Greg and Thomson  walked into the the locker room, both talking to each other and laughing at a shared joke, they gave a gentle acknowledgement nod to say good morning to those of us already there changing, i gave  a crooked smile as though to say, you guys made it, everyone burst out laughing, knowing they were both perpetual late comers, i glanced at my wrist watch it was 6am, the daily squad meeting had been scheduled for 6.15am since the new sheriff Gibson assumed office, even the laggvers were already sitting up probably they were tired of frequent community service bagged for every act of indiscipline

  Sheriff Gibson was a no nonsense hardcore  military veteran, as hard as nails and always made sure we knew it. He had been transferred for the neighbouring zone where he pushed the crime rate from 95% to less than 5%. He had given the whole crew hell and always put the members of his team on their toes, he had fixed a daily  meeting for all officers for 6.15am as a way of enforcing punctuality,it's been 2months since i resumed here and the crime rate is still above 10% and this is totally unacceptable,
i want you boys to go out there and show those thugs what we are made of,I've provided every incentive to make you succeed, you have all my support,go into there streets and take the streets backing down no matter what.the short speech was motivational it was all we needed....we were all juiced up and we went to the notice boards to see our duty deployment for the day...i was. Paired with Ben, Roland and Derrick all good cops...we went to the armory and suited up, i picked up a side arm and also a pump action shot gun Derrick opted for the high powered rifle the others took an assortment of armament,

just as we hoped into the patrol car, it began to rain, that didn't dampen our spirit at all, we were deployed to patrol the inner streets of capitol city.....the business district, we all hunkered into the patrol car and Ben drove off with wipers on and heater on as weĺl, soft music came through the radio while we listened to the police scanner. For any urgent calls from the dispatch.
     We drove in the rain for about 15 mins, all in silence reminiscing what the sheriff had told us earlier about fighting crime to zero in the city,just as we approached the city center we slowed down to patrol speed, all eyes peeled for any sign of trouble, i figet with the pump action shot gun and loaded 12 rounds into the chamber , i also cocked my side arm after checking the clip was good. I holstered it back and laid back in my seat , as we went by the  capitol city museum and then turned into the bank street, there was only one bank in town and no one had ever been stupid enough to attempt a break in, it was quite big and i suspected had lots of cash in their vault, derrick drew our attention to the deserted street, there was little movement for that time of day,  but a few shops were preparing to open up, i was familiar with streets as i had patrolled those streets months on end and could picture the whole street with my eyes closed,as we approached the bank we the saw the bakery preparing to open while the bank looked deserted, i noticed a car parked some distance from the bank and became suspicious.i asked Ben to slow down,  the heavy rain didn't allow for a clear veiw ran the plates on the mobile DMV data base, it was from outer town, the vehicle came back as privately registered to a car dealership i thought to myself who could own that car and why was it parked close to a bank and not a hotel or motel or residential area.i tried to see if it was occupied, we peered through the glass but didn't see much ,after a few seconds and there was no movement so Ben drove on, we could see the bakery owner doing some pre opening procedures,

 just as we were along side the bank derrick noticed a movement in one of the windows in the bank, impossible he shouted out loud that jolted everyone including ben who slammed on the brakes,  everyone froze and  looked towards where derrick was pointing and we could see the curtain rulffing a little but didn't see anyone,  before we could ask if he was he sure, he had grabbed his rifle and jumped out of the car, he ran towards  the bank entrance ducking and taking cover along the way, he reached one of the windows and looked over to the squad car and beconed on us, we were ahead of him,  i grabbed the pump action and jumped out behind ben who had called in to inform dispatch that we were checking  out the bank and that they should stand by, all 4 of us were crouching while approaching the bank totally ignoring the fact that it was still pouring, i was glad we had all worn our body armour, most days we would just patrol all day with no incident but it seemed today was going to be exciting,  i took off the safety from the pump action and pushed the first round into the chamber ready to unleash  hell.

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