Sunday, August 21, 2016


    He ran and ran and ran ,his lungs were in pains his muscles were killing him, he couldn't stop, he kept running, his feet were begging him for a break, his heart was pounding in his ribcage and resounding in his ear drums, his sides ached, he had reached his limit but he had to go faster and faster , it was very dark and he was focused on the pavement in order not to loss his footing that would be disastrous for him,
  he pushed on and headed for the light at the end of the road , he guessed the time would be around 1am,there was not a soul in the streets, he needed help but he kept pushing his legs on, he attempted to look over his shoulders but couldn't he didn't want to be distracted or lose momentum,  but his lungs didn't agree,  he had no choice they felt like if he took another step they would explode. He stopped and fell on his knees trying to salvage any breath he could get
, his whole body was drenched in sweat ,his heart pounding even louder, his legs had given up,he then looked behind and behold to his amazement he had not eluded them, it seemed like he had been running for hours but it was it was  minutes, his adrenaline stepped in and gave the additional reserve strength he needed to start another run,  he took to his heels again this time determined to stop for nothing,he ran as fast as his lungs would allow  he thought of hiding and quickly disposed of the idea ,he needed to keep running ,he prayed deep inside that he got away, he regretted going to that club in the first place,

he had felt lucky and had just gotten some easy cash and looked to doubling it , he remembered as he walked to entrance and had bribed the bouncer to allow him in, he was dressed is a cute black t-shirt and leather black jacket , he had felt like a million dollars, he had chosen a table sat down and had placed his bet, he whispered to himself "today is my lucky day " as he threw the dice.
 Three hours in to the night and he was up by $15,000 , that was 10 times what he walked in with, his table had drawn a small crowd, no one had ever won 10 straight hands and he was on his eighth,  people were astonished and wanted to see when his luck would run  out, or if he could break the club's jinx, he played his next hand and bet $10,000 for double or nothing and threw his dice,  it came down double six, he won and he now had $25,000 wow that was more money than he had ever had in his life, something in him advice him to quit while he was high and dry,but his greed got the better of him, as another round of bets were coming up one of the regulars at the bar raise the stakes allot higher, he was betting for $50,000 winner take all, he paused for a second, he didn't have up to that but he didn't let that hold him back,

 if won this hand he would be walking out of the club with $150,000 as there were only 3 players left in the game,  he thought for a second,  there was a chilling silence as though the crowd want him to think it through,  $150,000 would get him a new life,  a home and everything he had ever wanted and dreamt of all in one night for just one bet,  he was in,  the crowd screamed in excitement , bets were placed and then it happened he rolled the dice expecting a double six, the dice rolled and rolled as though for an eternity before finally stopped , one look at the dice and there were mixed reaction,  the crowd came to a hushed silence as the gravity of what just happened sunk in.

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