Wednesday, August 3, 2016


    The heavy drops of the rain drowned the steady hum of the idle engine as they steadily drummed against the roof of the car, his fingers squeezed the steering wheel as he quickly glanced at the time display on the dashboard 5.10 am it showed.they are late he thought to himself
. He was getting impatient and his hands were beginning to sweat, he adjusted the air conditioning in car to medium and felt an extra blast of cool air hit his face and chest that's better he said to himself, he then looked into his rear view mirror and could see people beginning to go about their days activities with umbrellas and children with rain coats. They should have been long gone by now but here he was still waiting. ..he stared across the street looking at the large imposing signboard which read "CAPITOL CITY BANK" he look at the at the screened windows trying to guess what was going on inside, the whole street where the bank was located was deserted. He looked worried and glance at the display again it was still 5.11am it was as though the time was frozen, he wasn't a patient guy he had been sitting in the car now for close to an hour what in the world could be keeping them, soon the streets would be crowded and their whole plan would have hit it first bump in the road. He moved gaze over to the supermarket beside the  bank , it was still closed but he could make out the silhouette of the store keeper cleaning and preparing the store for the days sales.he had been there a couple of times and he really longed for a warm cup of their coffee,  he could really do with one this morning he would give anything to have that warm caffeine taste in his system it would calm his nerves right now , just then his attention was drawn to the police patrol car that just came around the bend , he quickly docked down below the dash board and quickly turned off the car wiper which stopped in the centre of the car windscreen shit he thought hoping they didn't notice it, he began to ponder if his head lamps were in or off, he couldn't remember turning them off when he arrived,  he quickly stole a peep on the car display and gave a sigh of relief they were off, the rain poured heavily and he could tell it wasn't letting up anytime soon, he carefully peeked at the slow moving patrol car as it moved through the streets ,
he could count 4 policemen in the car, and they were scanning the whole street and it environs for any unusual activities, they were doing their jobs, the capitol city police department were renowned for their roggedness and toughness, they never back out of any action they were the meanest crew to encounter especially since the appointment of their new sheriff 2 years back, he had given a new face to the department and had won the loyalty of his men, all the men of the underworld had relocated to other cities making capitol city one of the safest states in the country, he wouldn't want to cross part with any of them ever.
His pulse began to quicken as the patrol car came side by side with his car, it slowed down as though to stop and investigate , he held his breath and didn't move a muscle,  he was terrified the car lingered for what seemed like an enternity to him, he closed his eyes tight and carefully moved his hands into his belt where he clutched the cold steel of the 9mm magnum pistol, his fingers inside the trigger box,  he prayed he wouldn't have to use it, he carfull clicjef back the safty and silently prayed, he didn't want to die now especially not like this.
The patrol car slowly moved on and now was approaching the bank car park it slowed there for some minutes as though waiting for someone or watching it , just then the door open and a policeman ran out trying to avoid being drenched by the rain he got to the bank entrance he banged against the reinforced glass and waited for a response,
His jaw dropped open in shock , he couldn't believe his eyes he peered through the side window towards the bank and watched in horror as the policeman signalled his colleagues in car and they all jumped out drawing their weapons while taking cover. .the game was up he had to do something or all hell would break lose. He reached for the Ak47 asault rifle carefully concealed underneath the car seat, and slammed in a long banana shaped clip into it, cocked the rifle automatically pushing a round into the chamber. .he closed his eyes and said a quick prayer and kicked out the door with his hands on the trigger.

The alarm bell rang out for the third time,She did what she did the last time squeezed the pillow over her face drowning the alarm sound and continued her sleep it was 5am but her body wasn't ready to get up. The daily routine had started to take a toll in her system, she had been having red shot eyes for weeks trying to joggle her job on one hand and her exams in the won't be long before she would get addicted to coffee, it had unfortunately become a part of her.she was gentle drifting back to deep sleep when her phone rang. She was startling she wondered who could be calling her that early she immediately glanced at the time is said 5.30am, strange the number wasn't on her phone contacts, she sat up in bed switched on the bedside light and picked up the phone. She stared at the number as if to conjure the identity if the caller, sighing she took a deep breath and picked the call.
Hello she greeted half heartedly, good morning she added Samantha speaking , there wasn't any response from the other end, she pulled the phone from her ear to looked at the screen and to confirm the call was still was..she returned  the set to her  ears  to listen  again, still no sound, could it be a bad  connection  she though . she ended the call  and dropped  the handset by her bedside.


  1. Intriguing...anxious to know how things went down in CAPITOL CITY that night

  2. Very intriguing, discriptive and quite the narrator

  3. Lovely! A lot of pieces of a jig-saw puzzle. What was this guy doing...why was he hiding...and ready to use a riffle unprovoked...and how does it relate to the lady and the phone call...??
    I think the scene of the lady should start chapter two...except of course it directly influences the mystery guy..what do you think?

  4. awesome adrenaline pumping storyline! the ambiance of the blog fits the story perfectly. next update please....

  5. Wow if this was novel it would be a real page turner.

  6. Great story, suspense filled too. Waiting on the next one


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