Tuesday, October 4, 2016


     Samantha was lost in thought as she sat in the waiting room of the hospital, mother and daughter, were in the intensive care unit ,the drugs used to gag them had a negative reaction with their systems, the doctors were fighting to save them,
 She cried quietly and decided to call Dennis again, the phone didn't go through again, she was emotionally down, the Police had assured her that they would find Mr Bedford, but they had no clue or lead. just then the nurse came around to ask for family members,, and she stood up, she stated that the husband Mr Bedford was missing, and she was the closest they had at the moment, she was ushered into the ICU and she sat by the bed side of Mrs Bedford, she was pale and look frail, she must have had a terrible fright. she held her hands for a few minutes, and then went to check on the daughter , she looked in a better state than her mum, she watched as the the daughter slept soundly,she was in an induced coma to help her system recovery faster ,Samantha prayed silently that they both recovered soon.....

Monday, September 19, 2016


         Dennis was pinned down, by the remaining 2 policemen, they didn't let up at all, they kept on spraying bullets in his direction ,he thought to himself, he needed to get the hell out of here, the sound of the sirens were getting closer , he needed to figure a way to escape . just then he heard gun fire coming from inside the bank, he was saved, he crew must have heard the shots and had come out to back him up him, this was his chance , he quickly crawled for some meters towards the dealership and he was against the glass showroom,

 he peered into the building and could make out some cars parked inside , he used the butt of his rifle to break the glass which shattered at the impact...

Monday, September 12, 2016


       Dennis Couldn't believe his luck had run out so soon, not now not like this, he was in a big mess,  he would have quit when he was winning,  he was beginning to suspect he had been conned or maybe he was just too greedy, he looked around there was an uneasy silence,  everyone looked at him, in shock, he had be on a roll all night, and just this awful hand he had lost every dime he had won, and walked into the casino with, worst of all he now owed the man sitting at the other end of the table a whooping $50,000.
How quickly the small fan club he had amassed over the course of the evening dispersed, he was sweating and nervous

Saturday, September 10, 2016


    Mr Bedford would you be kind enough to hand over the security combination to the safe, the boss seemed to be fast  losing his patience ,he walked over to me, placed his hands on my shoulder, i shrugged his hands off, i wasn't going to give in so easy, he looked at my bleeding face and shook his head, Mr  Bedford i had thought you would be more  reasonable, but i see i was mistaken , he quickly signaled one of his cronies, i immediately received a punch in my gut, i crumbled to the ground in a heap, i was spitting out blood, my head was reeling in pain, 
the boss grabbed me by my neck

Sunday, September 4, 2016


      Samantha jogged her self back to the present, she was taking too much time getting ready for work, she felt like not going but had used up all her possible excuses, she was out of the shower in seconds, the warm water had renewed her vigour for the day, she strolled to wardrobe opened it and was trying to pick out an out fit, her mind began to run away again, that strange call, at that odd time from an unknown number, how unusual it was. She wondered if the call was from Dennis or maybe her brother, she picked up her phone and dialed Dennis mobile number, it was switched off that was strange she frowned  his mobile phone was always reachable she wondered where he could be that his phone was out of reach. 

She thought about calling her brother, just as she scrolled to his name she decided against it, her brother would blow it out of proportion,  he would trace the phone call, harass the network get the location,just to get who made the call,  he was that imposing,  that's what you get when you have a paranoid cop brother..he always went too far


         We took cover,trying to gradually approach the entrance of the bank, i was able to get beside derrick and i asked what exactly did you see, he looked over to where i was crouched behind a pillar, he smiled sheepishly and said, i saw someone in the widow at the far end of the building, and person seemed wounded as his face was covered in blood , i looked towards the window he was referring to, there was no movement,  i had known derrick for some years now and he was not one to take us on a wild goose chase.Roland motioned to Ben to approach the entrance, we all braced up for the worst, and then hell broke lose, we had been so engrossed with checking out the bank premises we had failed to assign a look out to secure our rear, it was a fatal error.
         We didn't know where it came from exactly all we knew was that we had been ambushed, the sound of the machine gun fire was deafening,  we all hit the floor trying to escape the onslaught, i could see bullets flying in every direction shattered glass all around us, the attack seemed to last forever , i crawled up behind a pillar trying to pick a target to return fire,after a few minutes it was all quiet again, i guess they were reloading  we just had seconds to compose ourselves, i looked over to where Ben had been crouching and saw his lifeless body sprawled on the floor, i called out, twice but there wasn't a response, my heart sank, this night was turning to a nightmare, i looked over to where Roland was and could see him crawling for better cover, there was a trail of blood all along his crawl path, he seemed to have been hit severally and was losing so much blood, he needed medical attention and fast,it was up to me and derrick,  i could see he wasn't hit just shaken up, it wasn't every day you experience a blood bath gun battle and losing two  of your patrol buddies in seconds.

     I signaled derrick to call for back up from his walkie talkie,as we couldn't risk getting to the squad car which was ridden with bullet , i threw away my pump action shot gun and reached for the rifle Ben had been carrying i needed something with a lot of kick and stopping power it was a customized M60 rifle,

Saturday, August 27, 2016


  The silence of the night was shattered by the nerve racking sound of the AK47 assault rifle spitting out lead rounds at the rate of 500 rounds per second,sending metals flying in the air at unbelievable speeds, the previously dark night was transformed in seconds to night of fire works, the moment he opened fire, it was a war zone, the recoil of the gun jolted him as he guided the rifle towards the already startled policemen he watched as the bullets caught them in their strides as they reached for cover, he watched a cop begin to run as he trained the nozzle on him and he watched as the bullet hit him in the gut the chest and his arm and he fell to the ground, he exhausted a clip and pulled it out threw it away while simultaneously slamming a fresh clip into the rifle and re-corked the rifle automatically pushing a round into the chamber
He took cover and tried to assess the damage he had inflicted, he could see a cop motionless on the ground another was crawling for cover, the second cop had been hit severally and he was bleeding  profusely, that left two cops left to eliminate


    As he got out of the car ,his fingers tightened around the trigger box,  he ran towards the policemen who had now set up an attack formation as though ready to storm the building, he positioned himself beside a parked car trying to align himself to the best line of sight behind the 4 cops, the rain was still pouring and the sound was like a continuous roar, this masked his footsteps as he got into position,  he took another look at the policemen and though of the consequences of what he was about to begin. 

He scouted the policemen one last time trying to access how armed the were, he could make out two of the cops had powerful sub machine gun rifles, one had a high calibre  pump action shot gun while the last cop had a 9mm side arm, we weighed his chances,  trying to calculate the odds of winning a fire fight with this bunch, he had a vantage position but knew they had experience body armour and years of training, not to talk of back up from the station the moment the shit hit the fan, he glanced at his already cocked Ak47 rifle and the 5 extra clips in his combat fatigue

Sunday, August 21, 2016


    He ran and ran and ran ,his lungs were in pains his muscles were killing him, he couldn't stop, he kept running, his feet were begging him for a break, his heart was pounding in his ribcage and resounding in his ear drums, his sides ached, he had reached his limit but he had to go faster and faster , it was very dark and he was focused on the pavement in order not to loss his footing that would be disastrous for him,
  he pushed on and headed for the light at the end of the road , he guessed the time would be around 1am,there was not a soul in the streets, he needed help but he kept pushing his legs on, he attempted to look over his shoulders but couldn't he didn't want to be distracted or lose momentum,  but his lungs didn't agree,  he had no choice they felt like if he took another step they would explode. He stopped and fell on his knees trying to salvage any breath he could get


       Samantha finally got out of bed, she was stretching and yawning as she had been studying all night, she walk to the bathroom and swichted on the light switch, walk in and looked into the mirror,  wow she looked terrible, she had dark spots under her eyes, signs of sleep deprivation, she smile sheepishly to herself, nothing a little make up couldn't take care of, she took out her tooth brush pasted it and began to brush, 
her mind began to relive her activities of the previous weeks and she giggled, she recalled how she had stumbled across Dennis her high school crush, although she never told a soul,it was real funny and how they had struck a bond almost immediately

Sunday, August 14, 2016


      Greg and Thomson  walked into the the locker room, both talking to each other and laughing at a shared joke, they gave a gentle acknowledgement nod to say good morning to those of us already there changing, i gave  a crooked smile as though to say, you guys made it, everyone burst out laughing, knowing they were both perpetual late comers, i glanced at my wrist watch it was 6am, the daily squad meeting had been scheduled for 6.15am since the new sheriff Gibson assumed office, even the laggvers were already sitting up probably they were tired of frequent community service bagged for every act of indiscipline

  Sheriff Gibson was a no nonsense hardcore  military veteran, as hard as nails and always made sure we knew it. He had been transferred for the neighbouring zone where he pushed the crime rate from 95% to less than 5%. He had given the whole crew hell and always put the members of his team on their toes, he had fixed a daily  meeting for all officers for 6.15am as a way of enforcing punctuality,it's been 2months since i resumed here and the crime rate is still above 10% and this is totally unacceptable,

Saturday, August 6, 2016


      He gradually regained consciousness,  he was dazed and his vision was hazy,he tried to get to his feet, but they couldn't carry him, they crumbled under him as though made of rubber, he gathered himself  in a corner trying to get his bearings ,it was then he noticed the blood running down the side of his head,he looked down at his feet and there was a pool of blood on the floor and he couldn't
comprehend what was happening ,he glanced around and was able to tell he was in the cafeteria at work, what time it was and why he was there was still a mystery,

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


    The heavy drops of the rain drowned the steady hum of the idle engine as they steadily drummed against the roof of the car, his fingers squeezed the steering wheel as he quickly glanced at the time display on the dashboard 5.10 am it showed.they are late he thought to himself